Tuesday, September 27, 2011

UNIT 5: Romanticism and Transcendentalism

ELAALRL2 The student identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of theme in a work of American literature and provides evidence from the work to support understanding.  The student:

a. Applies knowledge of the concept that the theme or meaning of a selection represents a universal view or comment on life or society and provides support from the text for the identified theme.

b. Evaluates the way an author’s choice of words advances the theme or purpose of the work.

c. Applies knowledge of the concept that a text can contain more than one theme.

Essential Questions:

What is theme?

How is imagination important? Is it more important than rational thought?

Are people essentially good or evil?

Key Terms:

Romanticism - is the school of thought that emphasizes intuition over logic, and feeling over reason.



I believe that in this unit i will be learning about themes and the way we use words to influence or change the theme. We will also learn what a theme represents, and i will learn how to use multiple themes in literature.

Rip Van Winkle:

In this particuliar quote from the story, rip van winkle is using feeling and emotion over logic to figure out why he is confused.

"The strange man with a keg of liquor—
the mountain ravine—the wild retreat among the rocks—the woebegone
party at nine-pins—the flagon—“Oh! that flagon! that wicked flagon!”
thought Rip—“what excuse shall I make to Dame Van Winkle?”"

There isnt any logic of why everything had changed. He is using intuition in this quote over logic. He is also explained the nature.

"The very village was altered; it was larger and
more populous. There were rows of houses which he had never seen
before, and those which had been his familiar haunts had disappeared."

Thanotopsis by William Cullen Bryant

In this poem he used romanticism by explainin the nature as beautiful. He doesnt use logic explaining his sad emotions. Its also kind of vivid like you would imagine or dream, not like something that really happened.

from "nature" by Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Yet it is certain that the power to produce this delight, does not reside in nature, but in man, or in a harmony of both."

This stuck out to me because i like the view that this poet had on nature. He was saying different people see nature in different ways. Its the way you appreiciate nature. You never know what nature is going to give you, and you can never really see all of nature.

This peom used transcendentalism alot mainly by describing nature, and using imagionation. Also the poet brought up his view on god which relates to transcendatalism.

"Self reliance" Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood"

This stuck out to me because i like how he used great speakers of the past as a reference. What he is saying can very well be true. Its different the way he thinks things and that also stuck out to me.

This uses Transcendentalism because he brings up souls, and nature, things you can imagine. He talks of common people that can accheive anything in todays world. He says things that you can imagine and may be true or not, but is mostly spiritual.


You can apply Transcendentalism philosophy to the man in the wilderness.  He uses the nature in such a way that is really remarkable. He is just an ordinary man though he can live alone in the wilderness and nature. In the video they said his spirit lives on in the cabin he built. Spirits and stuff of that nature has to do with transcendentalism.


In this lesson i learned about romantiscism and transcendentalism. I learned the main differences in the two. I read different parts of american litterature and found the differences of themes in all of them.

Friday, September 2, 2011

unit 4: autobiagraphies and speeches.

ELA11w2.2.k: The student uses language, point of view, characterization, style, and related elements effectively for specific rhetorical and aesthetic purposes.

ELAALRL3.1.a.ii: The student relates a literary work to the seminal ideas of the time in which it is set or the time of its composition.

Essential Questions:
  • How do speakers and authors use reason as a persuasive tool? Can you think of any modern examples?  Patrick Henry is a example of using reason as a persuasive tool.
  • What is the difference between emotion and reason? Emotion involves feelings to persuade, reason is based on facts.
  • To what extent are we in controll of our own lives? We are in full control of every choice we make.

Key Terms:
  • The Age of Reason / Rationalism

In this term i think ill be learning about how to use reason and emotion, i also think ill be reading about Patrick Henry, and Benjamin Franklin. I think ill be using literary works also.

The Puritans believe heavily that everything is controlled and made by god. The Rationalist believe that there is a theory behind everything. The Rationalist performed science projects to try and find a reason behind the way things on the world works, while the Puritans thought it was disgraceful to god to even try any of these experiments. One common thing that the Puritans and Rationalist believed was that God created the universe.

Benjamin Franklins purpose of writing "Arriving at moral perfection" was to become a better person and a more slef suffiecient person. He noted his faults, and made a proper form of action to resolve his faults. He made a step-by-step list to deal with his faults, and to be more productive. His list consisted of thirteen values; Temperance, Silence, order, resolution, frogality, industry, sincerity, justice, moderation, cleanliness, chasity and humility. He used logic as his approach to making himself a better person.

If i had thirteen values to improve my life they would be:
  1. Respect
  2. Honesty
  3. Responsibility
  4. Inteligence
  5. Diet,
  6. Exercise
  7. Courage
  8. Faith
  9. Focus
  10. Determination
  11. Kindness
  12. Friendliness
  13. Authority
"God helps them that helps themselves."
This quote from Benjamin Franklin stuck out to me because if someone is trying to better themsleves to help theirselves then i believe god would help them. If someone was lazy and didnt try to better themselves i think god wouldnt be too happy with that person and in favor not help that person untill he wanted to do something to better himself.

Speech to the Virginia Convention:

Patrick Henry is trying to persuade his audiance to fight a war against Great Brittain. At the time Great Britain was taxing the colonist and acting as if the colonist were slaves to the king. The reason the colonist moved from England to find a new country was because they wanted freedom, Patrick Henry is trying to make a stand for freedom and for what is right.

He supports his argument with factual statements, England thought the colonies were weak, so they werent fair to the colonies. The colonies wanted complete independence from Britain, Patrick Henry said "Give me liberty or give me death".


In this terrm i learned how to use persuasive language and the difference of reason and emotion. I also related literary work to the seminal ideas of the time in which it is set of its composition.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

unit one: the anglo saxons

I believe in this unit i will read litterature from the past and compare it to literature now, which will give me a broader understanding of literary works, as well as works from other time periods.


     Overall i liked beowulf. I could tell it was a very old story by the literary works used. It was confusing to me at times but the modern version that i read was alot easier to understand then other versions. The story was narrowed down and did leave a few key elements of the story out, and adding parts of the story that really had no significance to the story at all.
     The story was about the danish people, the Danes, and the Anglo-Saxons, called the geets. Beowulf was a geet, a mighty warior above all other soldiers in the world. He had the stregth of thirty men in just his grip alone. Well the king of the Danes was friends with Beowulf's father and the Anglo Saxons found out about the trouble that the danes were having so he sent Beowulf to fix it.
     The problem was a monster named Grindle, who killed the Danish people for a long time. He would come in at night and kill as he pleased. With Beowulf around it didnt exactly go that way. The first time Grindle came in to kill, Beowulf ripped off his arm. The Danes believed that Grindle was finally dead and rejoiced. The king gave Beowulf gifts for his brave act. Soon after, Grindles mother came in to avenge her sons death and she killed the kings most trusted advisor.
     Beowulf took a army of his own anglo- saxons and went to the lair of grindles mother. He killed the beast with a sword that was gaven to him by the gods, then he finished off grindle. Soon after the sword melted away. Beowulf was praised again and became king of the Geets. He ruled for fifty seasons and finally came his last battle, a dragon.
     Beowulf brought an army of twelve warriors, but he was the only one brave enough to battle the dragon. Swords wouldnt scratch the dragon, the dragon sent fire around beowulf intrapping him, while all of his warriors went and hid. Finally one warrior came to help Beowulf and threw his sword peircing the dragons head, making the fire less strong. Beowulf then took out his knife and killed the beast, that was his last victory. Beowulf won the battle but the strike from the dragon sent him to death, he then had a funeral and will be remembered by the anglo-saxons forever.

Beowulf showed that the Anglo-Saxon culture was a brave culture, as well as a culture of warriors.
"So the good Geat chose
the bravest warriors,
fourteen of them,
and that crafty sailor
led them to the land's brim,
to the ship."

This story realtes to hero stories in my culture alot. All heros have to be brave, and fearless, Beowulf was both of those.
"They spoke of Beowulf's
glorious deed, often saying
that no man under the sky's
expanse, North nor South
between the seas, no man
who bore a shield, was more
worthy of a kingdom."

     I liked how Beowulf went out in style. He was still brave after many years of being king. Most kings would stay at home while their warriors fight, but beowulf was the first one in battle. He never lost a battle, he won his last battle and then he died.
     I also liked how his funeral went, the people did everything that Beowulf requested. The new king was the only warrior that stepped up to help Beowulf, so i thought he was deserving of the throne. Fire took Beouwulfs life and it was god's will that Beowulf died and i liked that it was fate.

"Those were the aged king's
last words, thoughts from
the heart, before he tasted
the funeral-fire,
that hot, hostile flame.
His heart departed, his soul,
to seek glory."

I think i adressed these standards by comparing litteary works from older times to new literature. I took qoutes from beowulf for dirrect evidence.